Know this:
The tic-born disease is real so tic protection is necessary and not all tic products are the same they don't kill tics until after they bite and within hrs a tic can transmit a disease that can affect your dog's life and cause loss of life. So here is the scoop look for tic protection that kills fast before the dog is bitten. We personally use Bravecto on all our dogs 6 months of age and Revolution for heartworm prevention you need an RX from your Vet. If you find a tick on your dog please order a tic test kit that can be found from the link below and have the tic tested often dogs don't exhibit symptoms of Lyme disease until too late. This test kit is very reliable.
Japanese dogs and low platelets this is normal and is often flagged at Vet offices several Japanese breeds of dogs have this please read this article here Shiba Inu's and other Japanese breeds study link and info below:
Another Article Click Here
LOW PLATELETS and Japanese Dogs
High Potassium Normal in Shiba's
Shiba Inus sometimes and most often maintain higher-than-normal amounts of potassium within their red blood cells. This can cause their blood potassium level to read falsely high note this is a falsely high reading and many Vets are unaware of this. Increased potassium level in the blood fluid is dangerous, but inside the red blood cells, it is not. Thus, it is not a dangerous condition to the dog/ Shiba Inu but can cause confusion in interpreting blood potassium levels by the lab and your Veterinarian though It does make your Shiba far more prone to onion toxicity, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Avoid feeding your dog onions or garlic. Onions and garlic are toxic to all dogs but Shiba's can be affected by an even lesser amount and show serious issues so be mindful of this.
PRA: Progressive Retinal Atrophy: It occurs when the photoreceptors in the back of the eye begin to fail, which makes seeing in the dark difficult.PRA leads to complete blindness.
Cataracts: Shiba Inu’s often do not get this until they are up in age a bit, and vary in severity. It happens when there’s an opacity on the lens of the eye, which eventually causes the lens to tear, and gives the pupil that ‘cloudy’ appearance. There are many different types of cataracts, and surgeries and treatments are available to correct the issue
*Anxiety and compulsive issues: Shiba's are very prone to compulsive issues: Feet licking, air biting, and tail chasing often brought on by stress or anxiety. This breed is just far more prone to this disorder
Seizures and Epilepsy in the Shiba Inu: Another issue with Shiba is that they are one of the top breeds to have epilepsy there are no genetic genes that have been identified at this time and often it is idiopathic it is believed to be polygenetic meaning many genes involved if it is indeed genetic with this two dogs can produce a dog with epilepsy and not be affected also they can make a pup with epilepsy and have repeat litters same sire and dam and never have another puppy with epilepsy such a difficult one! I believe that the breeding shouldn't be repeated ever again if two dogs produce a pup with epilepsy where a cause can't be found with Medication, food, brain injury, or hypoglycemia. Epilepsy in Shiba Inus can be caused by low blood sugar and many flea and tick meds are triggers as well as stress and even diet and of course head trauma. Thankfully most epilepsy can often be controlled with proper medication. Also, make sure your Shiba Inu is on a good flea/tic medication we recommend Revolution it is an RX through your Vet and the safest we have found. I am aware of no issues ever to date. With all breeds of Dogs Epilepsy affects 1 in 100 dogs!!! It is a common issue in dogs period and even more common in a few breeds the Shiba Inu being one of them.
Allergies: Shiba Inu's are prone to allergies which can be skin or present with sneezing and swollen eyes. Many Shiba's get itchy, hot spots, fur licking, and chewing this can be environmental or food allergies. Shibas are one of the top dogs who have allergies. I am fortunate my dogs haven't had any skin issues. I have had one that did and retired her from my program. Many will tell you if you don't want to deal with allergies don't get a Shiba.
Hypothyroidism: Shiba Inus can be pronto this. If the thyroid isn’t regulating thyroid hormones properly (which directly affects metabolism), then the dog will often become lethargic, obese, have hair loss, and sometimes itchy. Possibly excessive need to urinate. Once diagnosed this can be controlled with Thyroid Medication.
Hip Dysplasia: Hip Dysplasia is a big one for all breeds—but it’s most commonly found in heavier-set dogs that grow too quickly into their bodies. It occurs when there’s a displacement between the thighbone and hip joint. It can cause lameness in the leg(s), difficulty walking, an abnormal gait, varying degrees of pain, and at worse immobility.
This affects so many breeds of dogs, there are tons of treatments now available. Normally, the dog will correct their gait and live a perfectly healthy life, but in extreme cases, corrective surgery is needed to allow further mobility. It’s not life-threatening and varies greatly in severity (often dependent on how it developed). the good thing about Shiba Inu's is they are a smaller breed so often it doesn't affect the quality of life for they are a lighter dog.
Patellar Luxation: This is pretty common in the Shiba Inu and something all Shiba Inu owners should be prepared for, when the ligament in the knee is weak and dislocates, which often results in a kneecap that shifts in and out of place. A Shiba Inu can be predisposed to this condition at birth, but an injury can also be the cause of Luxation just running too hard and the wrong move can cause a Luxation. Often corrected with surgery.
occurs when there’s an accumulation of fluid in the chest of the dog. Symptoms are Lack of appetite, extreme fatigue, difficulty breathing, coughing and wheezing, and weakness. Overall the dog is not feeling well. Often breathing becomes deep.
It’s usually treated by removing the fluid and incorporating a low-fat diet, but in more severe cases, surgery is required to correct the issue.
*Hot Spots: Shibas can be prone to hot spots often caused by a food allergy. Red hot and moist areas of the skin. Treatable with a good Chlorhexidine scrub. Allergy testing is recommended if your dog continues to develop them.
* NOTE: I have seen far too many dogs with a bad case of worms. In fact, every dog I own came to me this way! Except for one many Breeders just don't get that is something you have to be on top of all the time. Do your due diligence and keep up with it and rotate wormers. I like Fenbendazole and I like to use the Quad Wormer 3x a year on my dogs as well. Keep up with it it can make a big difference in the health of your dog. It always amazes me how little many breeders know about this.
*Common worms are controllable with routine worming treatment. puppies need to be wormed every two weeks until 14 weeks of age, then every month until six months of age. Once your Shiba Inu is six months of age they still need to be wormed every three months for effective protection for dogs pick them up on their paws all the time in the grass and in the soil.
LETS TALK FOOD: Most dog foods out on the market even the high-end ones have far to much calcium/Phos it is mind-blowing. Dogs who are feed these foods are at a greater risk for joint issues. They have made the link to high calcium and hip dysplasia at such an alarming rate between high calcium and heavy joint wear at a young age puts any dog at a far greater risk for hip dysplasia and other joint and structure issues. In some studies even greater than genetic. So people need to listen to this
Excess calcium is often to blame for:
Calcium Excess
An easy example of excessive calcium intake is rickets-like signs in puppies or young dogs. Puppies will experience:
Bone deformation or bowed limbs
Bone pain and swelling
Stiff gait or limp
Typically, we see rickets-like conditions with dogs fed only all-meat diets.
The remedy? Rickets-like symptoms in dogs can be reversible if caught early enough. Basically, a companion pet parent needs to balance the calcium to the phosphorus intake and add a vitamin D supplement
Bone deformation or bowed limbs
Bone pain and swelling
Stiff gait or limp
Excess Phosphorus
Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism is an excess of phosphorus compared to calcium in the diet. When phosphate levels are maintained at untenable levels in the blood or are unmatched by sufficient calcium intake, calcium in the blood drops causing hypocalcemia. Low serum calcium, in turn, signals the parathyroid to call upon the calcium in bones to replenish what is missing in the blood. The demineralization of bones causes weakness, possible fractures and neurological dysfunction.
The optimal dietary calcium to phosphorus ratio in dogs should be 1.2:1 to 1.3:1. The ratio appears small, but it is significant and if not kept in check can cause a whole host of issues for your dog.