

Every one of Our Shiba is a full-time family member. All our adult dogs live in the home full-time. Some of our dogs live with and are owned by family members and extremely close friends and are still a part of our breeding program. when we do a planned litter They ALL COME TO ME to be bred and stay with me to whelp and raise the litters when and if a litter is planned. But are owned and loved by their families. I do have several who are with me full-time 100% of course! Females retire after no more than 4 litters and are then placed in a forever home on a spay contract. They have lived with a family so are ready to be someone's house dog when retired and are also crate trained. Our males stay as long as they are producing and doing well for my males are the greatest asset to my program and all are amazing in temperament and breeding. Feel free to inquire about Shiba's we may have slotted for a home and will be retiring. I love to see them go to a home needing PTSD or therapy dogs when I can.
We very frequently screen our dogs for Brucellosis and have never had a dog test positive thank goodness, Me being a Vet Tech I often do the Rapid test but also do have the Vet run now and then. Make sure your breeder is testing for this now and then this is VERY IMPORTANT. NOTE all pups born to a female who is positive will also be positive if they survive, and have major health issues, but can also be very silent in a nonbreeding dog and this is a major health threat to his/her humans and other dogs in the household who are unaware they have been exposed. It is on the rise and very serious and transferable to humans very serious. It is /saliva/fecal transferable those humans with the closest contact are at a higher risk of infection. Be sure your breeder is testing for this for it is VERY IMPORTANT and often overlooked by breeders or they are not aware of this serious infection that can have absolutely no symptoms. NOTE all pups born to a female who is infected will often be infected the infection is not treatable as far as a cure and is for the life of the dog.
Breeders with many dogs and who do outside stud services are more at risk. We do not do outside stud service that is not done without AI and PPE in place. We do not do Stud service with any of our Shibas sorry. No contact is made with the dogs. Also, a negative Brucellosis test is required of any females brought to me for breeding for my own health risk. This is only to my Siberian whom I have only bred a couple of times to outside ladies. This test is expensive but so worth it!!! One line negative the single line is the control line verifies the test is working properly and two lines would be a positive never had even a questionable dog ever.
NOTE: PLEASE CONTACT US FOR UPCOMING PLANNED breedings AND EXPECTED LITTERS they are limited for we are hobby breeders. We only breed when we want a planned litter. We can gladly provide you with References to those who have worked with us and have our dogs if you would like.
We are breeding for structure and temperament first. Not commercial breeders. We are passionate about the breed and breed for the breed. All Reputable breeders breed for the overall benefit of the breed for health, structure, and temperament not commercially (meaning not having more than just a couple of litters per year and having more than just a few adult dogs). color is secondary to health and structure and temperament. I have focused on the temperament of my dogs. I want to create a Shiba Inu who is a joy to live with and as responsive to his/her people as possible for the breed. I want them to be highly socialized for this can be a problem with the breed if they are not raised underfoot and handled all day.
Several of our dogs most of them are from Exquisite top Japanese NIPPO Import Champion lines. I have selected with research and knowledge of the breed with longevity structure and health as our only focus. When we have a litter we are breeding for good structure as I have knowledge of what to look for in the breed but Health and temperament are our absolute top focus. With Shiba Inus, we have really focused on their temperament. We only have a few Shiba's Inus. This makes for a tight selective breeding program, so we have been extremely selective in the dogs we have chosen.
We do require that we speak with you over the phone before you get on our waitlist for one of our Shiba Inu dogs. How we place our dogs is a top priority this is our mission and we can be selective. For we put so much energy into raising them properly and right. We need to get to know you and you need to get to know us. I would be seriously skeptical about any breeder with a PayPal button on their site or a pay your deposit now button. Yes, I have seen this! Dogs are family, not a buy-now product. I want to be able to talk to anyone interested in one of my dogs becoming a family member or a working dog for them. I want you to ask me questions. I want to make sure this breed is the right fit for you. Makes for a happier dog who is more understood, and a happy family who is better informed and prepared.
Thank you for your understanding~
We do invite you to visit us if you like, but it can be hard for we are on the road a lot with our Frontline Equipment business So we visit all over Oregon, WA, Arizona in Yuma and Pheonix, Idaho, and California for we are on the road as RV'rs at this time for many months, but often are staged in Oregon or Redding CA for puppy pick up when permitted and if I have a planned litter, but in the winter Redding CA, San Clemente, etc, or even sometimes pups are picked up when we are on the road because we do travel a lot, so you are welcome to visit the dogs. If you want a specific pick-up area, you can most definitely wait for that litter just know litters are limited. Please Only if you are serious about having one of our dogs as family members do we allow visits. We do not open our home to just everyone. More foot traffic here can put our dogs at risk for the disease being brought into our home or RV when traveling. We have a no-shoe policy for ourselves and visitors and limit foot traffic to close family and friends as visitors inside our home and RV this works for us. So those who are serious about our dogs and want to be put on our waiting list for a Shiba Inu you may visit in person, but all dogs will be shown to you outside our home /RV we do not allow anyone in our RV or home just puts our dogs at too many risks and now with COVID, I am high risk with having skin cancer just not worth it. Also, note we do not allow anyone to touch our dogs when they visit only view them. Just too many risks for diseases and many people are doing kennel visits when shopping for a breeder this is just way too risky for diseases to be brought into our dogs and newborns and young pups. This is a must it is about our dogs and their health of them. I have never had a case of parvo or serious illness in my dogs ever so I am doing something right. Absolutely no exceptions and we do have a few other rules to a visit. Thank you for your understanding in helping us protect our dogs from the disease being brought in.
*We are available for Zoon Meeting/Chat at dakineshibainus@gmail.com if you would like to speak with us this way or by Facetime if you have an iPhone.
With the demands of the dogs, I am producing I held tight standards when I purchased Shiba Inus to add to my program which is my foundation to progress forward with. The temperaments of the dogs are so important and structure is right there for longevity and health. this is a breed that breeders have not put enough focus on temperament in an effort to make a beautiful dog. Temperament gets lost if not one of the primary focuses. One thing you will find is many Shiba Inu temperaments are in the genetics of the dog, poor breeding, and not selecting for temperament results in poor temperament Shiba Inu's, so it took time to find the right dogs with the whole package I was looking for. This and health are my first concern, not the dog's color. I do not breed for color and even have chosen the stunning cream Shiba Inu based on temperament and health mine have top NIPPO Japanese lines as well, Though this is a fault in the show ring as per the color this is not a concern for me for I am breeding for the breed and not limiting on the color I find it ridiculous as with other breeds of dogs my focus is to produce healthy dogs, stunning example structurally and great family members. I am breeding for the best temperaments I can produce in this breed and have selected my dogs along with the bloodlines I have been waiting for for so long. Temperament/health and looks not color as a top focus and my breeding program. I am very proud of my breeding program. I absolutely must make dogs that are trainable and with good temperaments for the work, many of my pups go on to do PTSD and service dogs for many grow up to perform coming from my breeding.
If approved you are welcome to get on our waiting list at any time. The time frame to produce a pup for you can not be guaranteed as litter size gender and color is mother nature's call. It is very rare that we do not have a waiting list for our pups and most will be sold once they are born and people waiting are notified. I will say most good breeders will have people waiting.
Litter size can vary from 1-5 pups. We reserve the right to pick a puppy of any litter produced if needed at any time this may be for us personally or special needs selection takes priority if a dog is a stand out for this as this is our purpose of breeding I do not breed just to produce litters ever I am looking for a specific dog to add to my program to replace one or to create a requested service dog/PTSD/Therapy This may not be every litter but understand these picks must take priority this is my passion and my purpose for having a litter I do not just breed litters to have a litter. Not being a commercial breeder rarely do breeders like me even break even, though I don't care this is my hobby and passion I love it. It is our passion and we take our purpose seriously. This Shiba Inu makes a great small Therapy dog. They are loyal and loving, easy to care for, and with a great temperament behind them are an excellent choice for those wanting a smaller PTSD/Therapy dog. They can be stubborn but are highly intelligent.
* NOTE: Please understand this breed is costly to raise and can require a C-section and they often have small litters C Sections are very expensive They can be $8,000-$10,500 depending on complications and location and timing of the C-section. They often can have a small litter so there is a lot of outgo and money put into this hobby just in the delivery of the pups when required, Vet Care, proper feeding high-quality food/probiotics/goat milk, vaccines, and health, flea and tick monthly treatment on all dogs all add up fast! YIKES. Once again most hobby breeders don't breed as often due to expense and time.

Warning: YIKES! I have recently been informed by people who are not my clients of some scams and Sick Puppy purchases. There are tons of scammers out there who are using false information to sell pups they do not even have puppies, or they have far lesser quality and are using breeders' photos and saying they are their dogs. Also, a few people have brought to my attention a BUY NOW through a few online kennels/importing sending sick puppies with PARVO and other diseases that are fatal as well as being sent a puppy that is nothing like the photo and video sent to them. When importing you are out of luck trying to get money or compensation for a dog if something is wrong like a replacement puppy. Anyhow so many scams and mass breeding Kennels out there please be careful in your search for a breeder there are plenty of legitimate breeders out there and their pups are worth the wait!
NOTICE: IMPORTANT: In my opinion and is solely my thoughts and opinion due to my hard research, I feel that you should be sure your breeder is NOT raising the pups on SHAVINGS ANY SHAVINGS! They contain toxic Phenols which have been tied to liver damage and increased cancer risk. the link below for more info! Do your own research. BE SURE TO ASK. Many breeders use shavings! Being a Vet Tech I personally will never use shavings or Newspapers around any of my dogs and I most definitely want to warn others of this danger as well as the newspaper In my opinion is extremely toxic (the ink) info is also online on this. Huge questions to ask your Breeder. Do your research and you decide. The info is out there.

1. Richard Morse
2. Richard Morse
3. Mikki
. Maggie Male is not ready yet

Up to date shots but not over-vaccinated. We use an expensive cutting edge high titter parvo shot and a High titter Distemper shot we do not believe in over-vaccinating a young pup for most vaccines don't even provide protection until the final shot! Then at 8 weeks, they get their first combo puppy shot just before they leave to their Forever families if they are staying with us and not placed yet they will be given booster shots every 3 weeks until 20 weeks of age this ensures good protection the final shot is the MOST IMPORTANT SHOT.
* All pups remain with the dam and the litter until 8 weeks of age allowed to nurse and be naturally weaned. This allows the dam to continue to educate her pups, better immunity for longer nursing, and better socialization for the pup. BREEDERS WHO TAKE THE DAM AWAY TO EARLY ARE IN MY OPINION HURTING THE PUPS. So many breeders push to wean pups are 5 to six weeks from nursing. Pups need mom still for education and to add nutrients to the milk supply. A dam will naturally fully wean her pups and not let them, nurse.
*will be on 7 surfaces by 7 weeks ( this helps to make a well-adjusted dog, with more confidence this stimulates the nervous system.
*Utilize Puppy potty pad training starting at 3-4 weeks of age. We use washable puppy pads that the pups use very well. We do a lot of laundry during this time and keep them super clean this way they fully housebreak easier. WE DO NOT take the pups outside on surfaces/grass before the first vaccine such a huge risk for the pups. Not worth it. The first vaccine should never take place before 7 weeks of age and it takes weeks for antibodies to start to build. So because of this, we keep their potty breaking to potty pads at this very young and vulnerable age. Also, we do not EVER use shavings or newspapers both are super toxic and can cause future health issues.
*Heartworm Prevention n( All of our dogs are heartworm negative V/A blood test and on Revolution and also get a dose of ivermectin 2x a month.
*Puppy Vet exam or Vet Tech exam by me if we are traveling just before they leave at 8 weeks checking for any issues and overall health of the pups before leaving. We use Oregon Mobile Vet for this so as to not expose them to disease in a Vet office. They come to our home. The only time we do not do this is if we are traveling with a litter and the timing doesn't add up. This is our Vet and the only one we trust. I am a Vet Tech and go over every pup several times before they leave for any issues.
* none of our pups go home with Fleas or ticks we are extremely careful for I am highly allergic to fleas.... ( We recommend Revolution all of our dogs are on this you need a prescription from your vet). But far worth it to protect your Sibe from Heartworms and Fleas, Ticks, Lice, Mites. All of our dogs are heartworm and Brucellosis negative. You will find a link on the Siberian Husky health page to learn more about Revolution it is the safest anti-flea/tick/lice/mite treatment for dogs through my studies. I highly recommend it. It is not as effective for ticks if you are in a heavy tick-infested area I recommend adding more tick protection when needed, but our dogs have never had ticks using this product.
*Dewormed starting at two weeks of age and kept up until the pup goes home to you so it is done every two weeks. Being a vet tech I can do fecal floats to check stool when needed.
*Raised 100% inside our home until they go home with their new families. THIS IS HUGE!
They are not in an outdoor kennel. They are in our home underfoot until the day they go home and are handled and played with daily. Exposed to different sounds and surfaces, carried around, sit with us on the couch socialized in a safe loving, clean environment. Summer or Snow birding litters may see some patio time after the use of Kennel Sol/or Bleach on the pavement or our RV Mat prior to them being allowed on it. This is due to not being vaccinated and the risk of protozoa infections as well from the grass and soil we do not allow them on the grass until they are a bit older and have a vaccine in them.
*Neurostimulation: Now this is huge huge huge our pups receive this and it makes such a huge difference 30% more brain cells, a better immune system, overall health, and confidence. READ MORE HERE: https://breedingbetterdogs.com/article/early-neurological-stimulation
* Used to having toenails trimmed and teeth looked at.
*Temperament testing: We temperament test every puppy several times before they go so you know if your dog should be Alpha or more submissive.
*We have children whom we have come over and play with our puppies, this also helps with the socialization and gets them used to kids and the quick movements, etc. Plenty of nieces and nephews and family and friends for this and now grandchildren.
* Also ALL OF MY PUPPIES go home with a lifetime of breeder support. I can provide you with vaccine info, deworming, issues with training/illness whatever comes up you have for the life of your dog! I am the breeder who is involved as you want me to be with you and your dog. I am a Vet Technician by trade though I do not work in a Vet Office anymore. These Siberian pups are my kids going off into the world, I want to help you be successful parents to live life and be part of your family. They are man's best friend I have put so much into them to get them here and raise them until they go home with you.
PLEASE READ NOTE: Once again it is so important this breed is raised in a very social environment inside a home environment. They can be bred for temperament, but without being handled and exposed to noise and people daily they will be a challenge to say the least. I can not stress this enough, being a dog trainer I see so much of this. Breeders just don't understand you can't raise them outside in a kennel or garage and have a dog that is truly socialized. Huge hurdles ahead for those who get pups not socialized enough. Seems like almost every dog I have gotten from a breeder has been this way. So very disappointing to say the least. Breeders and People just don't get it. Our dogs are family members. Yes, this is very hard work and challenging to have them inside your home for 8 weeks, cleaning up after them, etc. This is why many breeders opt to raise litters outside. I, however, choose to work hard and give my pups the absolute best social start and it pays off ten folds! My clients are very happy and rave about our dogs.
Raising litters of puppies can be highly underestimated. You may have to hand-raise a litter of puppies when things go wrong. This means feedings every 2-3 hrs round the clock and helping them potty every time you feed for the mother does this to help all newborns for the first few weeks. Newborn puppies can't do this themselves. Tons of work. It is expensive with having to purchase special formula to feed them and being extremely careful not to drown them and regulate flow. Not for the beginner. So many costs, long nights, worry, and sacrifices go into raising dogs properly that the general public has no idea of.
Below is a pick of a litter I hand-raised. Know that truly dedicated breeders step up to the plate when they need to with round-the-clock care~

All our pregnant and Lactating girls from day one at the start of their heat cycle get prenatal vitamins along with their food for the entire time they are nursing and for an additional month after to help with recovery from nursing/pregnancy. This one is my personal choice and the one we use here at Dakine
All of our Newborn pups receive Nurture Mate Colostrum the moment they are born this is a huge start for them. The extra colostrum makes them stronger and helps get them going so they nurse well to get the dams Colostrum that is only available the first 48 hrs after birth.

Shiba Inu' can be very food allergy pron and very Sensitive to Corn and Chicken as well as some grains also so many puppy foods on the market have way too high calcium/protein (High Calcium is linked to joint disease) This is why we only feed Nutri Source to the puppies by a year Chicken allergies can be a real thing then we switch to Adult Pro Plan Sensitive Skin by a year but start adding it in at 20 weeks or so or by slowly and increasing adding more so they don't get to much calcium in their diet as the puppy foods have. Salmon and Rice is Perfect and ratios are as good as it gets. For both Shiba Inus and Siberian Huskies my only choice! No CORN, WHEAT, or SOY in this food! This food is not grain-free but easily digested grains so no increased risk for heart disease also this is huge because it does not contain any BHA, BHT, or ethoxyquin. These are known carcinogens and are found in so many top brands of dog foods neither does Nuti Source small-medium breed puppy which we feed only a small amount mixed in with our puppy's food for the first year the Nutri Source is chicken so needs to be done by a year after a year is when most Shiba's develop allergies. Also please know that many dogs are allergic to chicken allergies strike when a dog is usually over a year of age. We have not had an issue with Corn in our dogs but be mindful that they can have issues and is very hard for dogs to digest making it inflammatory. these listed are excellent foods. Our dogs also get Salmon Oil several times per week as well as seaweed. Just make sure it is a good clean supplement. We do not feed Focus small breed for it has Pea protein which is not good for dogs and can mess with hormones as well as the puppy-sensitive formulas also contain Pea protein. So many dog foods have this as a protein source. the Pro Plan Salmon and Rice Sensitive Adult is pictured here.
Currently, we Feed the Pro plan Sensitive Salmon and rice to all our adults and pups Nutiri Source small medium breed puppy for the pups for the first year. This is my choice and nothing but health. I will accept people feeding the Purina pro plan sensitive puppy salmon and rice if they so choose for the first year, but I do not personally feed while the pups are being raised due to the hormones in pea protein and I will be selecting pups from litters for my program so that won't fly. But will be fine if you choose to feed this to your pup instead of the adult for the pea protein is the only thing I don't like.
The real kicker about dog food and puppy food is so many dog foods have far too much calcium all the premium brands have way too much unbelievably high calcium is linked to Joint/hip/ etc disease dog food shouldn't be more than 1-1.2 tops and 1.2 pushing it in my opinion and ratios of phosphorus have to match or a no go. High Phosphorus is linked to kidney issues in dogs. This food has the best protein/cal/phos ratios I have found. To high of protein has major issues as well! It drives me nuts and this food is the one and only for me so far so Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Slamon and rice is perfect once your Shiba is an adult.

LETS TALK FOOD SO IMPORTANT: Most dog foods out on the market even the high-end ones have far too much calcium/Phos It is over the top crazy to me and it is mind-blowing. Check your labels dog parents it can save your dog! Dogs who are feed these foods are at a greater risk for joint issues. They have made the link to high calcium and hip dysplasia at such an alarming rate between high calcium and heavy joint wear at a young age puts any dog at a far greater risk for hip dysplasia and other joint and structure issues. In some studies even greater than genetics. So people need to listen to this
Excess calcium is often to blame for:
Calcium Excess
An easy example of excessive calcium intake is rickets-like signs in puppies or young dogs. Puppies will experience:
Bone deformation or bowed limbs
Bone pain and swelling
Stiff gait or limp
Typically, we see rickets-like conditions with dogs fed only all-meat diets.
The remedy? Rickets-like symptoms in dogs can be reversible if caught early enough. Basically, a companion pet parent needs to balance the calcium to the phosphorus intake and add a vitamin D supplement
Bone deformation or bowed limbs
Bone pain and swelling
Stiff gait or limp
Excess Phosphorus
Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism is an excess of phosphorus compared to calcium in the diet. When phosphate levels are maintained at untenable levels in the blood or are unmatched by sufficient calcium intake, calcium in the blood drops causing hypocalcemia. Low serum calcium, in turn, signals the parathyroid to call upon the calcium in bones to replenish what is missing in the blood. The demineralization of bones causes weakness, possible fractures and neurological dysfunction.
The optimal dietary calcium to phosphorus ratio in dogs should be 1.2:1 to 1.3:1. The ratio appears small, but it is significant and if not kept in check can cause a whole host of issues for your dog.

We also feed Wheat Germ Oil and Sardine Oil.3 x a week

Goats Milk is amazing for dogs my dogs get this (very small amount) a few times a week as a top dress on their food. I can't even list all the health benefits gut health being topped ~

Forti Flora love love love this probiotic top dress my dogs food daily with this amazing probiotic absorption of nutrition is the health of your dog keep the gut healthy.
